Thursday, August 19, 2010

Starting my 40th year as a teacher!

Required to be in tomorrow for meetings starting at 8AM. Students arrive on Monday. I've stopped in to drop off xeroxing a couple of times--my schedule changed and my numbers are huge, but actually went in for a couple of hours today to start setting things up. It becomes a "cutting off your nose to spite your face" situation--not wanting to come in unpaid and yet wanting to be ready for students. I look forward to my students and the time with them.....but the politics are already overwhelming--both local and state/national.
Met w/retirement counselor today and found the difference is only $300 per month between retiring this year or next. Also found that due to my part time year, the difference between working part time next year and full time--as far as my retirement goes--is only $80 per month!!! Clearly part time would be better personally if I decide not to quit after this year. I have to wait til July 1st to make it 61 1/2 years agewise.
Then I visited with a SJUSD colleague from years ago, Kurt, and we caught up sharing stories. From there I headed to CHSTA's beginning of the year picnic. The usual problem--they don't send e-mails to teachers' home e-mails so turn out is very low--if we don't officially have to be back until tomorrow, how are folks supposed to find out??
Had an e-mail today from one of my former SD Geometry students who is going to have me again this year in Trig. She said she was so excited and was there anything special she needed to bring on Monday :) I am already looking forward to having her and her smile first period on that first day!! That's what keeps me going :)

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