Wednesday, March 17, 2010

One More Year--May Be Too Long

It's getting worse all the time. The state of education--locally, statewide, and nationwide is getting worse each year and I can't see the way out of this mess. Today I realized that almost every conversation I've had lately has been to complain. The only time that things are alright are when I'm actually in the classroom with my kids. They are the reason I keep on going. In the last week there have been so many negative things:
1) At the beginning of the year we were forced to switch to a new (inferior) gradebook program with no notice to union, principal, etc. At the end of each grading period however, we had to send the grades back to the old program which still manages all our data--attendance, transcripts, etc. After the union filed a grievance, the district said they would open the old gradebook so it could be used BUT we still have to put grades into the new program so it can then send them to the old one!! So this week was the end of the 1st 6 weeks grading period and I had to create a second gradebook--with one grade--to be able to send it to the gradebook I was using!!!
2) It's time for teachers to select their "Teacher of the Year". Last year, our principal insisted in having his own in addition to the teachers' choice and we have to meet tomorrow to discuss it again...
3) Our VP changed an AP student's grade against the teacher's wishes--which is illegal.
4) We had to administer CAHSEE testing--English & Math. Only 44 out of 80 teachers had to administer the test--8-10:30 for 2 days. On top of that we, the proctors, also had to give up our prep periods to cover the overflow. The lack of equity is really unfair. I'd have loved 5 hours of free time!! To add salt to the wound, I chose to do my testing in my room and the administrator sent me an e-mail telling me that I should have had her permission--even though the overflow was scheduled in my room, we told all the kids, and posted it on the English teachers' door.
I'm not sure that I can make another year with all this ongoing negativism. Unfortunately I don't have the personality to let things go :)

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