Friday, November 12, 2010

Because I am a teacher

Because I am a teacher

  • · I will not receive my husband’s social security if he predeceases me
  • · I earn substantially less than other professionals with commensurate degrees
  • · I have to work to support myself during those “summers off”
  • · My tenure is under attack because administrators don’t have the courage to follow the due process necessary to fire incompetent teachers
  • · And my husband was laid off, we are in danger of losing our home because we can’t live on my salary alone
  • · I am fortunate to do something that I love: teaching and working with teenagers
  • · When I am in the room with my students all of the above fades away for the moment.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Week 4--Friday at Last

What a week! I think administrators really don't look at the calendar in terms of classroom teachers. We had a faculty meeting on Monday, collaboration (meeting-late start for kids) days on Wednesday and Thursday, and Back to School Night on Wednesday night! Any change in schedule is exhausting and all of these meetings were draining! There were two highlights of my week this week: First I met with all of my SDAIE students individually about their grades and really felt I connected with them as we discussed what they could do to improve or celebrated how well they were doing. Often in class they collectively have a negative impact on each other but individually each of them really does care about their grade. Second, a student that I only had for two days before he got transferred out, asked if I would wear his football jersey today. It's a new tradition at Westmont for varsity players to ask teachers to wear them. I was especially honored as he happens to be our star quarterback :) Frustrations continue with inequity in schedules and class sizes but inside my room with the door closed, my students and I are doing fine.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

First Week Almost Done

Large classes, nice kids, too much staff drama--mark this first week. Several of my SDAIE kids from two years ago in Geometry have me again in Trig and I was as excited to have them again as they were to be there. (I had requested them since they need a little extra nurturing.) One of my outstanding girls from that group is going to be a Peer Tutor in this year's SDAIE class :)
They opened a 7th trig class to reduce class sizes and yet students aren't being moved to level the load. It will be harder as the days go on because the students are settling in and bonding where they are. It isn't fair that because they have parent complaints about the other teacher that I should have classes of 36 and 37 vs 28 and 18, etc.
Had a young man crying today in trig and after he went outside to sit at a table, I joined him to talk while the class worked. Fortunately I had read what he'd written on his info form and I knew that he didn't have any parents. Evidently he lost his mom, his aunt, his grandfather, and I guess his dad all around the same time a couple of years ago. He was feeling overwhelmed and unable to work and felt that no one cared. (I talked with him for quite a while.) Finally I told him that I would be the person at Westmont who cared and that I wanted him to come to see me in the morning and any time that he felt he needed to talk to someone. We'll see how it goes.
A few humorous moments this week. In checking roll, I was missing one girl so I asked if anyone was Karina. One girl raised her hand. I said but your name is Seongyoung (similar)? She said " I am Korean". I was a little slow on the uptake but then realized that Karina and Korean do sound similar.
In my SDAIE class, I have a senior that had passed my class last year so I told him that he could take Algebra 2 or another class that he might need--and added that there was no need to suffer through another year with me. His reply "But I want to suffer...." :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Friday 8/20/10 1st Day Back--Meetings....

8AM--breakfast which was scones, yogurt, trail mix, fruit bars.... We were given--for the first time ever--red polo shirts that say Westmont Staff and a goodie bag to welcome us. On the screen at the front there was a loop of the summer photos we'd been asked to send in. Our new principal greeted everyone with a handshake. We heard the usual opening info from deans, guidance counselors, activities director and the principal. We had a brief look at our CST test score data. We then met as departments to discuss our goals and the support we would need as well as when we would meet to work on these items. At 11:15 we took a department photo in our red shirts and then went out to the quad for a staff photo in our red shirts in front of the new WHS Warriors sign. We then had a working lunch and the principal sent us off at 12:30 to our rooms with a brief inspirational speech about what he expects of us as a united staff. I worked til about 4:30 setting up my room--bulletin boards, overhead projectors, putting things away in my desk, moving boxes off the counters, putting desks into groups, etc. When our class lists were available on Aeries I was able to download rosters--my trig classes are 34, 35, 36, & 37 and my SDAIE Geometry is at 34...which was better than the original which had the trig classes at 38 and 39! (I'd gotten an e-mail saying they opened a new trig class period 7 and numbers would go down--I hope they go down a little more!) I have more things to put up but am ready for the kids on Monday!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Starting my 40th year as a teacher!

Required to be in tomorrow for meetings starting at 8AM. Students arrive on Monday. I've stopped in to drop off xeroxing a couple of times--my schedule changed and my numbers are huge, but actually went in for a couple of hours today to start setting things up. It becomes a "cutting off your nose to spite your face" situation--not wanting to come in unpaid and yet wanting to be ready for students. I look forward to my students and the time with them.....but the politics are already overwhelming--both local and state/national.
Met w/retirement counselor today and found the difference is only $300 per month between retiring this year or next. Also found that due to my part time year, the difference between working part time next year and full time--as far as my retirement goes--is only $80 per month!!! Clearly part time would be better personally if I decide not to quit after this year. I have to wait til July 1st to make it 61 1/2 years agewise.
Then I visited with a SJUSD colleague from years ago, Kurt, and we caught up sharing stories. From there I headed to CHSTA's beginning of the year picnic. The usual problem--they don't send e-mails to teachers' home e-mails so turn out is very low--if we don't officially have to be back until tomorrow, how are folks supposed to find out??
Had an e-mail today from one of my former SD Geometry students who is going to have me again this year in Trig. She said she was so excited and was there anything special she needed to bring on Monday :) I am already looking forward to having her and her smile first period on that first day!! That's what keeps me going :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

One More Year--May Be Too Long

It's getting worse all the time. The state of education--locally, statewide, and nationwide is getting worse each year and I can't see the way out of this mess. Today I realized that almost every conversation I've had lately has been to complain. The only time that things are alright are when I'm actually in the classroom with my kids. They are the reason I keep on going. In the last week there have been so many negative things:
1) At the beginning of the year we were forced to switch to a new (inferior) gradebook program with no notice to union, principal, etc. At the end of each grading period however, we had to send the grades back to the old program which still manages all our data--attendance, transcripts, etc. After the union filed a grievance, the district said they would open the old gradebook so it could be used BUT we still have to put grades into the new program so it can then send them to the old one!! So this week was the end of the 1st 6 weeks grading period and I had to create a second gradebook--with one grade--to be able to send it to the gradebook I was using!!!
2) It's time for teachers to select their "Teacher of the Year". Last year, our principal insisted in having his own in addition to the teachers' choice and we have to meet tomorrow to discuss it again...
3) Our VP changed an AP student's grade against the teacher's wishes--which is illegal.
4) We had to administer CAHSEE testing--English & Math. Only 44 out of 80 teachers had to administer the test--8-10:30 for 2 days. On top of that we, the proctors, also had to give up our prep periods to cover the overflow. The lack of equity is really unfair. I'd have loved 5 hours of free time!! To add salt to the wound, I chose to do my testing in my room and the administrator sent me an e-mail telling me that I should have had her permission--even though the overflow was scheduled in my room, we told all the kids, and posted it on the English teachers' door.
I'm not sure that I can make another year with all this ongoing negativism. Unfortunately I don't have the personality to let things go :)