Sunday, September 4, 2011

2nd Week--Monday August 29th

My last period class turned out to be one of "those" days. A student asked to go the restroom and gave me one of his two blue passes (they get two per 6 weeks and can use them for extra credit if they don't go to the restroom). After 15 minutes he hadn't returned so I e-mailed the dean and attendance office. When the attendance clerk called me I told her he hadn't returned and to please let the dean know as he was out on campus somewhere. She said she'd mark him truant. Next, we were doing introductions. Since my classes are 9-12th grade the students don't know each other. I wait til the 2nd week of school so most late entrants and transfers have happened by then. I ask them to work with a partner, preferably someone they don't know, and find out three things about them to share with the class. They do the intros right from their seats and so it's pretty non-threatening. I go first and introduce myself using 3 random facts about myself: I have a son that graduated from Westmont in 2006, I play indoor soccer (yes to the amazed group--I still play), and this is my 40th year of being a teacher..and my last. Things were going well until I got to one student. When I called on him to introduce his partner, he put his head back and closed his eyes. I waited a minute went on to someone else and when his eyes were open, I asked if he was ready--he said no. Afterward, I told him to see me after class. The period ended and my lost student returned. When asked where he'd been, he said out on the grass with his friends!!! (I stifled my response) I told him he'd missed more than 45 minutes of class and been marked truant. He said he didn't care. He wanted his backpack and I asked for my hall pass. It was missing the lanyard I'd just put on it. When I queried him, he said his friend had taken it. (Incredulous--me) I said he'd better get it back and he said he'd bring it next class---I told him no, that I wanted it the next morning. Then the student that wouldn't introduce shrugged when I asked him why--and then explained the difference in his shrugs??? I just told him he had a zero then on the assignment and he said okay. At that point I noticed a little girl still sitting in her seat. When I asked her what she needed she told me that her period had started and she hadn't been prepared. There was blood everywhere. I went and locked the door and we got her cleaned up and on her way. At that point, I had to run to get to the faculty meeting....what a day!

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