Friday, September 17, 2010

Week 4--Friday at Last

What a week! I think administrators really don't look at the calendar in terms of classroom teachers. We had a faculty meeting on Monday, collaboration (meeting-late start for kids) days on Wednesday and Thursday, and Back to School Night on Wednesday night! Any change in schedule is exhausting and all of these meetings were draining! There were two highlights of my week this week: First I met with all of my SDAIE students individually about their grades and really felt I connected with them as we discussed what they could do to improve or celebrated how well they were doing. Often in class they collectively have a negative impact on each other but individually each of them really does care about their grade. Second, a student that I only had for two days before he got transferred out, asked if I would wear his football jersey today. It's a new tradition at Westmont for varsity players to ask teachers to wear them. I was especially honored as he happens to be our star quarterback :) Frustrations continue with inequity in schedules and class sizes but inside my room with the door closed, my students and I are doing fine.